Easy and safe way to implement SAGA design pattern to microservice architecture with spring boot.
This section will guide you what kind of problem the framework is going to solve. and
why you should use stackSAGA.
Quick Start
The section will guide you on how to get started quickly with the stack saga project.
and you can experience stack SAGA features in a flash.
The section will guide with comprehensive examples
of how to use stackSAGA in Local environment,
Docker and Kubernetes environments in detail.
The section will guide you how framework does work and what are the components are used
and how they are connected to each others with attractive diagrams.
Reference Document
Reference Document gives you a better understanding of each and individual component.
you will be redirected to the document page.
the autogenerated document page contains all the java classes and other documented
This section will solve the problems what you may have in your mind regarding the
framework and the architecture.